
Topic: Warframe

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Really wanted to download this at the office, but that 12.4Gb would take forever. How is anyone's experience in handheld mode?


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


Its back on switch store so no panic!!



Fowlersrs wrote:

Its back on switch store so no panic!!

Excellent! Must’ve been a glitch or maybe it wasn’t meant to release last night 🤔

Switch Friend Code: SW-7159-8986-6479


Tsurii wrote:

According to the official peeps it wasn't supposed to be out at midnight/11pm UK time in the first place.

When playing last night the in game chat said “you’re not supposed to be here yet” and mentioned the game officially launching in 13 hours.

Switch Friend Code: SW-7159-8986-6479


Only played an hour so far but feel this game is gonna drag me in big time. Can’t wait to play some more already. It blows my mind that this quality of game is free!

they say that life’s a carousel, spinning fast you’ve got to ride it well. The world is full of kings and queens who blind your eyes and steal your dreams. It’s heaven and hell.

My Nintendo: Bevinator


@HobbitGamer In my hour of handheld playtime, it's holding together pretty darn nicely. Only Enemy smoking corpses run at a low framerate and very minor pop-in (i think that's what it's called) occurs.

Edited on by Captain_Toad

Was Mariobro4. No, I'm not taking off my's important.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1530-1570-5053 | 3DS Friend Code: 3566-2311-3009 | Nintendo Network ID: Mariobro4


What class of Tenno did everyone pick? I went with Excalibur—same as I did for the PC version because I fear change, lol

Switch code: SW-3438-4060-4927
Warframe ID: Tricep

Switch Friend Code: SW-3438-4060-4927


Same, Excalibur for me. First time playing Warframe today, loving it. Looks absolutely amazing on Switch.

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Pro tip #1 from a player with 3k+ hours.

You're given 50 platinum for free and another X amount (I forgot how much) from the starter pack. I recommend you use that free premium currency on slots for either weapons and/or frames. Play Warframe like you would Pokémon, "you gotta catch'em all." And having a varied roster of frames makes certain mission types easier to accomplish. Loki for stealth, Frost for defense, Saryn for mobile defense, etc.

Pro tip #2.

Your first objective should be to play and complete every node on the star chart. Completing nodes will open that node up to possibly offing an alert mission. Alert missions offer better rewards than your standard mission. Including potatoes, which is an item used to super-power weapons and frames (depending on if it's a gold or blue potato).

Edited on by Magician

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Panic Button have gotten a lot of praise for their ports of Doom, Wolfenstein and now Warframe. What would you like them to try next? Do you think something like Witcher 3 running at 30fps is possible for those guys?

Personally I'd love to see Red Dead Redemption on the Switch.

Edited on by bixente

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bixente wrote:

Panic Button have gotten a lot of praise for their ports of Doom, Wolfenstein and now Warframe. What would you like them to try next? Do you think something like Witcher 3 running at 30fps is possible for those guys?

Personally I'd love to see Red Dead Redemption on the Switch.

Considering their history with Bethesda.

Fallout 4, Dishonored 1&2, Prey, The Evil Within 1&2, etc.

If they're looking to change it up, I'd appreciate a port of Mass Effect 1-3 or the Borderlands series.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


This game is fantastic. How is it free



@linq I haven't played much of the game yet so I can't speak from experience but, from what I've been told, the entire game can be played solo and it's just as good as playing multiplayer. And yes, all free online games are playable without NSO.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


So I've just killed Vor..
I'm collecting stuff, I can see mods and how u can view them in the ship, not really sure how u chop and change them mind..
Got 3 mates joining me tonight, can't wait..



Fowlersrs wrote:

So I've just killed Vor..
I'm collecting stuff, I can see mods and how u can view them in the ship, not really sure how u chop and change them mind..
Got 3 mates joining me tonight, can't wait..

Plus button - Arsenal - highlight the frame/weapon/companion you want to mod - Upgrade

Edited on by Magician

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Wow. Absolutely loving this game. I’m annoyed by how free it is...

I’ve bought many full price games that pale in comparison content and quality wise.


Switch Friend Code: SW-8258-7374-5699 | My Nintendo: daftbomb


@Yorumi Ah ok, I know someone who's played the game a lot and says he mostly plays solo, which is why I thought it must be just as good when played solo. That's kind of a shame, but at least there's an option to play without a group.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Yorumi I guess that's not too bad then. I just prefer to play single player most of the time, but I'll try groups as well.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


Just found annihilation mode. Omg



I've been playing Warframe on PC for quite a while, clocking in over 1k hours on steam.
I'm aware you can copy your warframe pc account to the switch, and both accounts will carry on with separate progression, however how does this work for content that is not yet on switch?

For example, with the Fortuna update, I've almost reached Cove, the second highest standing rank with Vox Solaris. I'd hate to lose that, so if I copy my account over right now, will I have that access when the update comes out? Or will I have to work for it again?
I'm asking because if this is the case, I'm just going to wait for Fortuna to release on Switch before copying.


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