Retro News


  • Review G.G Series ALTERED WEAPON (DSiWare)

    ​More than meets the eye

    Short, sweet, and to the point. That's the phrase that best describes most games in the G.G series and G.G Series ALTERED WEAPON is no different - it offers an interesting and enjoyable gameplay experience that's over just about as quickly as it's begun. While it would be nice if there was a bit more meat to it, what is...

  • News The Man Who Found The SNES PlayStation Thinks It Will Probably Be Sold

    "Sure my dad would think about selling it because he's pretty broke"

    Yesterday we reported on the stunning news that a SNES PlayStation has been located in the wild. The existence of this almost-mythical machine was never in doubt - Sony released promotional images back in the early '90s - but it was believed that all of the prototypes were either...

  • Review The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Wii U eShop / N64)

    A classic for any time

    There's little remaining to say that hasn't already been said about The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. A true masterpiece and a genuine game-changer; what was once revolutionary is today simply one of the greatest action/adventure games ever created. Now available to download from the Wii U eShop, this latest release...

  • Review G.G Series ASSAULT BUSTER (DSiWare)

    Mega Buster

    The G.G series keeps on going, and next up is another shoot 'em up; yet this one presents a unique and dynamic combat system that's surprisingly engaging. In an experimental series that's pretty hit or miss depending on the genre being attempted, G.G Series ASSAULT BUSTER provides a fun, arcade style shooter that's easily the most...

  • News Prototype SNES PlayStation Found In The Wild, Unicorn And Big Foot Expected Next

    Update: Video of console now live

    Before Sony entered the home console arena it worked with Nintendo on a CD-ROM drive for the SNES. The aim was to eventually release a combined console - called the PlayStation - which would play SNES carts and SNES CD-ROM games. Of course, this never came to pass - at the 1991 CES Sony officially announced the...

  • Review G.G Series COSMO RALLY!! (DSiWare)

    Get ready to activate your G-diffusers

    This particular title in the G.G Series seems to have been inspired by a certain other futuristic racer, and while it presents an admirable take on the concept of high speed and interstellar racing, its lack of diverse content holds it back from being particularly memorable. That being said, G.G Series COSMO...

  • Review G.G Series HERO PUZZLE (DSiWare)

    ​A long journey

    The G.G Series aims to provide players with quick arcade experiences on their DS systems at a low price point, and it experiments with a wide variety of genres to achieve this goal. Some of these genres are a better fit than others and this results in a somewhat unpredictable line of games that's a collection of highs and lows...




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