Tag: Mega Man - Page 6

  • News New Mega Man Book Arrives in Thailand

    Or Rockman, to be precise

    About a month ago we told you about the Mega Man Robot Master Field Guide from UDON Entertainment, which is packed with facts about the series and its characters. The blue bomber is famous in a lot of places, with a new book just released in Thailand to give fans in the region their own comprehensive tome on all things Mega...

  • News Mega Man Legends 3 Campaign Hits 100,000 Strong

    Now what?

    The campaign to resurrect Mega Man Legends 3 — snappily titled 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3 — just hit its milestone on Facebook. The campaign isn't over, though. Now the group needs to turn its button-clicks into action, inviting members to send postcards to Capcom by the month's end. Thes

  • News Mega Man Robot Master Field Guide Blasts into Stores

    So many Robot Masters

    The Mega Man series is loved by many not just because of its tight controls and blasting action, but possibly because it has such a diverse range of quirky characters and enemies. For those who follow every intricacy of the Mega Man universe, it's a big ask to keep up. Thankfully for those fans, and others who just love playing...

  • News Mega Man Legends 3 Fan Group Launches Weapon Design Contest

    Blast to the prize

    The cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 is still a source of disappointment for some gamers, and we even looked into the background of the project in our 3DS games you'll probably never play feature. The '100,000 Strong' campaign group that formed to press for a return of the game's development is still in action to this day, with...

  • Features 10 Life Lessons Learned From Mega Man

    It's not just blasting, you know

    Playing the Mega Man series is cathartic in many ways. You get to listen to great music, appreciate the impressively cartoony visuals Capcom wrung out of the NES hardware, and experiment with many unique and varied abilities. But overall, we tend to like it because it's mindless. It's a platformer with clear rules...

  • News This Mega Man 10 Concept Art is Awesome

    Blue Bomber backgrounds in black and white

    Although you might think Mega Man 10's retro graphical style is easy, a Japanese site has published some concept art showing the amount of work that went into bringing the game to life. From futuristic transport systems to buildings shaped like grenades, the art shows the detail required to create something...

  • News Lucky Australians, You Get Mega Man Zero Collection Before Europe

    Only a day earlier, though

    The great Gods of Australian game releases are a picky bunch: with one hand they taketh away Bejeweled 2, with the other they giveth Mega Man Zero Collection on June 10th. Yep, Capcom is bringing the Z-busting compendium over just two short days after the North American release and one day before its European launch, far...

  • News Mega Man 10 DLC Round-up Part Two

    We take a look at what was added this time

    As of last week, Mega Man 10 is now "complete": all announced DLC has been released, and it doesn't look like we should expect more. This second and last update came with three extra stage to play as Mega Man only – two additional Special Stages and an Endless Stage, which was also downloadable...

  • News Mega Man Zero Collection Announced for June Release

    Spend $30, get Zero (now with trailer!)

    We previously reported that this game was to be released in Japan, and Capcom just announced its Western debut on June 8th. You can preorder it now and pick it up for just $29.99. Mega Man Zero Collection encompasses all four releases in the Game Boy Advance series, originally introduced in 2002. Additional...

  • News Mega Man 10 DLC Round-up Part One

    We take a quick look at the first two available pieces of DLC

    If you're a massive Mega Man fan you're no doubt aware that Mega Man 10 got its first two pieces of extra downloadable content this past week. As we took a look at Mega Man 9's DLC, we figured, why not do it for 10 as well? Here's our thoughts on the DLC available now: Bass Mode - 200 Wii...

  • News Mega Man 10 Robot Masters Unveiled

    The newest bad boys are here!

    Capcom has just revealed the 8 robot bosses of their upcoming Mega Man 10 WiiWare release and judging from the pictures, Mega Man fans are in for yet another retro treat. You can check out the official images and descriptions from Capcom's Unity Blog for a taste of what you can expect from this upcoming WiiWare release...

  • News Mega Man 10 Set for March 2010

    New story details, screenshots and trailer released

    Mega Man 10 has been confirmed for a WiiWare release in March of this coming year, and it's looking to be absolutely ace. We're able to divulge a few of the details on the game's story fresh from today's press release: "The year is 20XX and a suspicious outbreak of Roboenza, a Robot Flu, has...

  • News Mega Man 10 Heading to WiiWare!

    New Nintendo Power announces upcoming Capcom epic!

    It seems 90% of the people who bought Mega Man 9 haven't finished it yet, but there's still plenty of time to whip those last levels into submission as Mega Man 10 will be launched in 2010. The latest issue of Nintendo Power carries the exclusive reveal of the blue blaster's latest escapade, and...

  • News Mega Man Star Force 3 - Boss Trailer

    Check out Capcom's upcoming DS title in action!

    Mega Man Star Force 3 will be released on the DS in two different variations: Red Joker and Black Ace. Each version of the game will have its own distinct cover art and character transformations. Capcom has just recently released the official Boss Trailer showing one of the game's many boss fights in...

  • News Mega Man Meets Super Paper Mario

    If only this were real. Might we one day see a Mega Man 2.5D?

    There is no denying that Capcom’s recent NES styled Mega Man 9 was a great tribute to the series. We loved it but let’s be honest it was just treading old ground. Might Capcom try something new in the future to excite fans of the blue bomber? If they do try something new then we hope...

  • News Capcom: Mega Man 9 is Best Selling WiiWare Title

    As WiiWare games go, Mega Man 9 was pretty bloody special. It also sold a ton! But we would never have thought it would be the best selling WiiWare release thus far; a quick glance at the top 20 games shows it’s in the lower reaches of the chart right now, whereas other strong titles are still doing well.

    Anyway, regardless of cold, hard facts,...

  • News Capcom To Release Mega Man 9 Soundtrack

    Love classic 8-bit video game music? Got 30 Washingtons sitting there doing nothing in your pocket? Well if so, you might want to surf over to the Capcom Store and preorder your official Mega Man 9 Soundtrack.

    That's right, directly from Japan comes all of the catchy toe-tappers straight from Capcom's retro-filled Mega Man 9 WiiWare title for your...

  • News Mega Man 9 Stop-Motion Video is Great Beyond Words

    Ok, so this isn't strictly WiiWare news but we just had to share this totally radical video with you - and it must be worth watching because we haven't used the expression 'radical' since we were 12.

    Hardcore Blue Bomber fan Nicolas Ménard has constructed this amazing stop-motion animation video which sees Mega Man navigating his way through a...

  • News Mega Man 9 DLC Round-up

    As of last week, all Mega Man 9 DLC is available. With some people still having doubts on what to buy, we've taken a look at which of the new modes and stages are most worth your hard-earned money.

    Here are our thoughts on the value of the DLC on offer: Special Stage - 100 Wii points A whole new stage? Yes please! The Special Stage is pretty much...

  • News Second Wave of Mega Man 9 DLC Released!

    A quick press release from Capcom about today's Mega Man 9 DLC update packs:

    We’re proud to announce that the second of Downloadable Content packs for Mega Man 9 will be available this week. Here’s the run down on what’s coming out. Hard Mode – Dubbed Hero Mode in Japan, this mode enables you to play the entire game on an increased...

  • News Fake Man Content Pack Coming To WiiWare Next Week?

    According to an interview with Mega Man 9 producer Hironobu Takeshita, the second downloadable content pack is due for release on the WiiWare service next week. You'll remember that the first set of downloadable Mega Man 9 Content Packs were made available earlier this month and now Mega Man 9 fans who still haven't gotten enough Mega Man retro goodness are in for yet another treat.

    In an interview with Gamespot, Takeshita decided to inject a little hint about what fans could expect in...

  • News Mega Man 9 Press Kit Fetches $750 on eBay

    Remember those awesome Mega Man 9 press kits we told you about not so long ago? Well one dedicated Blue Bomber fan is soon going to be cozying up to an assets CD in a NES cartridge-shaped case and will find their bank account significantly reduced as a result, because one of these kits has just sold for an eye-watering $750 on auction site eBay.


  • News Confusion Reigns over Mega Man 9 Sales

    Mega Man 9 is easily one of the biggest WiiWare titles so far, but it’s only when you look at the figures recently published by VG Charts that you realize just how big. 140,000 downloads in one week – that’s a lot of cash in your virtual pocket, no matter which way you look at it.

    Well, it would be if Capcom hadn’t debunked the figure almost...

  • News Capcom Releases Two Mega Man 9 Downloadable Content Packs

    For all you Mega Man fans out there who just can't seem to get enough of the classic Blue Bomber, Capcom has just announced the release of the first two Downloadable Content packs for their Mega Man 9 WiiWare title.

    Endless Attack Content Pack - Test your skills on a stage without end. Try to break the record for getting the farthest. Results will...

  • News Mega Man 9 - Proto Man Details Revealed

    For those of you out there who just can't get enough Mega Man 9 goodness, it seems the fun will continue. In fact, if you're one of those who thinks Mega Man 9 just isn't tough enough, Capcom is about to remedy that situation.

    On October 6th you can pony up 200 Wii Points and download the Proto Man downloadable content. You'll then have full access...

  • News EU WiiWare Update: Mega Man 9, Strong Bad Ep 2 and Helix

    You'd better have some Wii Points ready as there are three new games are available today, and all of them are good! All three have already been out in North America for a short time, so it can be considered somewhat of a catch-up update.

    Mega Man 9 needs no introduction unless you have been living in a cave for the past few months! The game has been...

  • News Mega Man 9 T-Shirts Now On Sale

    Capcom are never shy of making a quick buck here and there. Not only do they have the best selling WiiWare game this week (and dare we say for the whole month of October too probably!) they are now selling the famous Mega Man 9 t-shirt which you can today preorder from their online store for a reasonable price of $24.95.

    Get your order in soon and...

  • News Mega Man 9 Challenge List

    To those of you that have downloaded Mega Man 9: are you guys feeling the burn yet? Capcom's latest WiiWare title is certainly a game that likes to challenge the player, and the developer has even included a range of tasks that you must complete to finish the game with a 100% progress rating.

    The full list is as follows: 01 Waltz - Clear the game in...

  • News Mega Man 9 Downloadable Content List

    The eagle eyed amongst our readers will have noticed that in the Mega Man 9 operation guide it lists the upcoming downloadable content which you can get your grubby mitts on for a few spare Wii points next month. Sign me up for a slice of Proto Man action! :-p

    Endless AttackTest your skills on a stage without end. Try to break the record for getting...

  • News USA WiiWare Update: Mega Man 9 and Plättchen

    The wait is finally over. It’s easily one of the most eagerly awaited games in the short but colourful history of WiiWare and now Mega Man 9 is at long last available for download!

    Don the party hats and pop the cork on that family-sized bottle of fizzy soda, because the good times are here to stay! Well, at least until you break your Wii Remote...

  • News Mega Man 9 Confirmed For US Release On Monday!

    The wait is almost over! Capcom has announced the US release of their highly-anticipated Mega Man 9 WiiWare title this coming Monday, September 22. This also means that WiiWare will see a release of the game before any other download service on the competing consoles.

    As if this good news wasn't enough, Capcom has also announced a bit of...

  • News Capcom's Mega Man 9 Press Kit Goes Retro

    In a move to further add even more 8-bit goodness to the upcoming release of their Mega Man 9 WiiWare title, Capcom is sending out a limited number of retro-themed press kits to various media organizations.

    The kit comes in a cardboard case that's shaped like a classic NES cartridge box and features an actual replica of an NES cart that will house...

  • News Mega Man 9 Release Dated For Japan


    We are getting ever closer to the release of the greatly anticipated Mega Man 9 on WiiWare. Capcom have officially dated it’s release as the 24th of September in Japan now as confirmed by Famitsu. For the reasonable asking price of 1000 Wii points we are all in for a treat with this retro sequel. Rumours have been flying around about the...

  • News A Look Inside The Mega Man Boutique

    You'll have to forgive us for going a bit Mega Man crazy here at WiiWare World, but this game has got us seriously excited!

    We were having a quick snoop around the Japanese site for the upcoming WiiWare title Mega Man 9 (known as Rockman in Japan) and we happened upon this rather interesting image, which should have fans of the series weeping tears...

  • News Mega Man 9 Opening Cinematic - Retrotastic!

    Feeling as if you haven’t had enough Mega Man 9 news lately? Of course you haven’t, who can ever tire of the blue bomber? Today a trailer showing the opening ‘cinematics’ for Mega Man 9 has been revealed and it goes a little something like this:

    Dr Wily has made a fool out of himself, Mega Man has given him a good kicking yet again and peace...

  • News More Info About Mega Man 9 Bosses

    As great as our friend the Blue Bomber is, we all know it is the fiendish bosses which make a good Mega Man game. Mega Man 9 like previous games will not disappoint putting you up against such characters as Magma Man, Galaxy Man, Jewel Man, Concrete Man, Hornet Man, Plug Man, Tornado Man and Splash Woman !

    Capcom have revealed more information about...

  • News Mega Man 9 Soundtracks Coming To Japan

    Don't look now, but the Mega Man 9 news just keeps getting better and better. Now fans of the game's soundtrack are in luck, as not one but two Mega Man 9 soundtracks are coming out in Japan later this year courtesy of Inti Creates.

    The first soundtrack, due out on September 12th, will feature the original soundtrack music taken directly from the...

  • News Mega Man 9 To Support Classic And Gamecube Controllers

    Here's another tiny snippet of Mega Man 9 news for those of you out there who can't seem to get enough of it.

    According to Nintendojo, Capcom has confirmed that Mega Man 9 will indeed support not only the Wii Remote held sideways, but also the Classic and Gamecube controllers. What this also means is that if you're lucky enough to own one of the Wii...

  • News Keiji Inafune Reveals More About Mega Man 9

    In a recent interview with MTV Multiplayer, the creator of the Mega Man series, Keiji Inafune and his partner in crime, Hironobu Takeshita, producer of Mega Man 9 reveal a few more nuggets of information about this upcoming retro styled game.

    Here are some of the choice bits of the interview: Multiplayer: When you guys decided to make “Mega Man...

  • News Mega Man 9 T-shirts To Go On Sale Soon!

    Do you remember a few days ago when we posted about the retro themed Mega Man 9 box art as featured on a T-shirt which a lucky 1up staffer won at E3? Well the good news is now you too could own one of these fashionable garments!

    Check out Kramez’s blog at Capcom for more info: It was quickly decided by the marketing group that if we were going to...

  • News Mega Man 9 Official Box Art

    Jeremy Parish from 1up really is the coolest kid on the block today as he walks the streets looking retrotastic in the Mega Man 9 t-shirt he blagged off a Capcom rep at E3 for completing both stages on the Mega Man 9 demo.

    Sporting phrases like "ultrasound graphics synthesis" and "8-bit fidelity engine" you can tell straightaway...

  • E3 2008 More Mega Man 9 Hands-On Impressions

    We posted some hands-on thoughts about the Mega Man 9 E3 demo from GoNintendo and Wii Fanboy yesterday so we could find out if it lived up to the expectations.

    Of course the E3 bandwagon keeps rolling and now the big boys have got their hands-on previews up for us to see if Mega Man 9 is looking like the game we all want it to be. Let’s have a...

  • E3 2008 Mega Man 9 First Impressions

    Sadly the Corbmiester wasn't able to make it to E3 this year on our behalf. However all is not lost because GoNintendo and Wii Fanboy did make it to E3 and have posted their thoughts on Mega Man 9 before the big boys like IGN give us their verdict soon no doubt.

    Let’s check out what they had to say: GoNintendo I am was very pleased to see that...

  • News Japanese Mega Man 9 Site Now Live

    Some good news today as the official Japanese Mega Man 9 site has gone live. We had a quick flick through the pages and whilst we can’t understand any of the text, there is some cool content there.

    We hope Capcom USA launch a translated version of the site. If you click on the third option you can see all the Japanese box art for all the Mega Man...

  • News Mega Man 9 Cover Song

    Who amongst our readers have watched the Mega Man 9 trailer more than one time just to hear the funky 8-bit music again? Even though it’s just about thirty notes repeating over and over we can’t get enough of it here at WiiWare World.

    The ever talented Tanguy Ukulele Orchestra have already done a cover song of this music in the style of ukulele...

  • News Mega Man 9 - New Video, Online Leaderboards, NOT Exclusive!

    IGN had a pre-E3 breakthrough today with a new Mega Man 9 video and some new snippets of news.

    Anyone who has been around this site for the last week or so will know how stoked we are about Mega Man 9. Only the most cynical of gamers could fail to love the idea of a brand new 8-bit NES style Mega Man, with all new levels. The first bit of news is...

  • News Mega Man 9 Will Cost 1000 Wii Points

    Way back in the days gamers would shell out $40 or more for a new NES game. Imagine the uproar if Capcom tried to ask for the same price nowadays with the upcoming Mega Man 9 game for WiiWare. There would be rioting on the streets outside Capcom’s offices across the world as otaku and geeks dressed like the blue bomber expressed their outrage!


  • News See Mega Man 9 In Action

    If you’re getting all hot and bothered about Capcom’s forthcoming retro-fest Mega Man 9 then this short video (below) should send you into seventh heaven.

    The visuals look great, it’s like 1987 all over again, the gameplay looks tight and the music is beyond awesome. It goes without saying that this is one of the titles we're looking forward...

  • News Mega Man 9 Hitting Japan In September

    In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re getting quite excited about Capcom’s upcoming retro-themed update Mega Man 9. But when is it out, I hear you cry?

    While we can’t answer that question as far as a Western release is concerned, thanks to information contained with the pages of Famitsu magazine (pictured below), we know that the game will be...

  • News Mega Man 9 Screenshot Blowout

    As the news of Mega Man 9 has now hit the streets, Capcom has seen fit to supply gaming sites with the same images they gave to the various magazines that reported on the game. While this means there aren't new screens, it does mean you can now view them at a larger size, and devoid of lighting problems due to whatever device people scanned the magazines with.

    The screens have been added to the Mega Man 9 game page. According to an interview Ga...