Tag: Retail - Page 8

  • News UK Retailers Give Muramasa a Miss

    Some shops not interested in swords and beautiful animation

    Although we love Muramasa: The Demon Blade around here, it seems UK retailers are less than optimistic about the game's success, with some stores refusing to stock it completely. Martin Defries, managing director and general head honcho of the game's UK publisher Rising Star Games, wrote...

  • News Pink DS Lite Consoles Bite the Dust

    Yet another colour out of production in Great Britain

    The DS has been available in more colours than there are fish in the sea, but survival of the fittest dictates that some must be struck from the gene pool, so it's with regret we inform you that the pink DS Lite console will soon no longer be available within the UK. Okay, so it's probably not...

  • News First DSi-Only Retail Releases Hitting This Fall

    Will come in a new box too

    Back when the DSi was announced, Nintendo revealed that the new handheld would pack more horsepower under the hood than the DS and Lite. It certainly wasn't the first time the company had released an incremental upgrade to handheld hardware; apart from the obvious color screen, the Game Boy Color was essentially a slightly...

  • News Wii to Retail for £200 in the UK

    Tough economic climate results in price hike for Brits

    We reported a while back that UK retailers were looking into increasing the RRP of the Nintendo Wii in light of the weak value of the Pound. Nothing seemed to happen for a while and it looked as if the situation had changed, but we've just been tipped off that the price increase IS coming, and...

  • News Sega Not Giving Up On Mature Wii Titles Just Yet

    Recent retail disappointments haven't dented Sega's confidence

    As much as we loved Madworld and House of the Dead: Overkill, neither title sold particularly well, which has led many 'industry experts' to suggest that mature, hardcore games just can't find an audience on Nintendo's console. In the light of two high-profile commercial bombs you'd...

  • News EA is Rewarded For Embracing The Wii

    Sales nearly doubled on last year's total

    When the Wii was released super-publisher EA caught a bit of flak for not giving the format the respect it deserved. Thankfully the company has changed its attitude and has been duly rewarded with a massive jump in sales. According to EA's financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year 2009, 14% of...

  • News Nintendo EU Price Fixing Fine is Reduced

    They still have £107,000,000 left to pay, however

    Back in 2002 it was revealed that during the 1990s Nintendo's European operation had been colluding with retailers to keep the price of its software and hardware artificially high. Such naughty-type action was brought to the attention of the European Commission and Nintendo was promptly slapped with...

  • News WiiWare Games Now Available On Amazon

    More power to the customer or missing the point entirely?

    If you head on over to the popular online store Amazon and look around a little you can find something pretty weird: A listing for World of Goo on the Wii. Reading the item description reveals that this is not actually the game, but rather a code you can enter in the Wii Shop to get the game...

  • News The Wii is in 8 Million Japanese Homes

    The Japanese simply cannot get enough of this machine

    According to Japanese magazine Famistu, the Nintendo Wii crossed the '8 million sold' mark in Japan on April 19th. Enterbrain has also released the top five selling Wii games in Japan (it's worth pointing out that Wii Sports was not bundled with the console): 1. Wii SportsLaunch:...

  • Talking Point Could The Conduit Be in for a Rough Ride at Retail?

    Game designer predicts poor sales performance for high-profile FPS

    With past ‘hardcore’ failures like No More Heroes, House of Dead: Overkill and (more recently) Madworld, the Wii is getting a reputation for being a casual gamers’ machine first and foremost. This certainly doesn’t bode well for Sega’s upcoming FPS title The Conduit...

  • News Nintendo’s Stock Drops 7.5%

    Falling Wii sales to blame

    Following the news that Wii sales were 17% down on this point last year, the value of Nintendo’s stock has plummeted by 7.5%. It’s hardly a shocking plunge but considering the general shoddy state of the global economy at present it certainly could have been a lot worse.

  • News Wii to increase by £20 in UK?

    UK retailer Gamestation appears to be preparing for a price rise.

    As we reported a month or so ago, Nintendo recently increased the price of Wiis to retailers by up to £20, reflecting the increasing strength of the Yen versus pound sterling. At the time it was unsure whether or not retailers would pass the price increase to customers, but now...

  • News Wii Manufacturing Cost Reduced by 45%

    These are tough times for many people, but apparently not for Nintendo.

    According to Credit Suisse analyst Koya Tabata, the cost of manufacturing a Wii console has gone down by 45%. If this number is accurate, that would mean each Wii sold is bringing in nearly twice the profit as in previous years. And yes, the Wii most definitely brings in profit...

  • News Wii Price Increase to Hit UK?

    Nintendo are to increase the price they charge UK retailers for each Wii console by up to £20.

    With the Wii still selling like there's no tomorrow, retailers are left with some tough decisions in wake of this announcement from Nintendo. The obvious answer is for retailers to increase the price of each new console by £20, retaining the already slim...

  • News Nintendo Claim UK Developer Crown

    Latest figures would indicate Mario and company had a very Merry Christmas

    As the dust settles from a particularly hectic Christmas period Nintendo has emerged victorious in the UK sales arena. The veteran developer effortlessly claimed the top spot of Develop’s monthly developer chart thanks to strong performances by games such as Super Mario...

  • News Oh Noes! Wavebird Discontinued

    Wave goodbye to the Wavebird

    The Gamecube may be old news now but for many of us the memory of this much-maligned machine lives on through the excellent Wavebird controller, which comes in very handy when indulging in Virtual Console gaming. The controller is also an excellent alternative for Wii games that are difficult to play using the Wiimote...

  • News "Stop Buying So Many Nintendo Consoles" Says Reggie

    He doesn't like hardware bundles, either

    Reggie Fils-Aime has expressed concerns over the stock problems experienced by the company of late. Basically, the Wii and DS are TOO popular! He also had some cutting words to say about the increase in bundles offered by money-grabbing games retailers. From GamesInstustry.biz: Nintendo of America's...

  • News Europe Loves Brain Training

    It's already sold bucketloads of copies in Japan, American and the UK - now our European friends are warming to Dr. Kawashima's unqiue brand of mental fitness.

    Nintendo's amazing success story continues with the news that its Brain Training series has topped sales charts in two key European territories. Nintendo's DS Brain Training games have...

  • News Bumper Year For UK Games Industry

    It's been an amazing year for the UK videogame market - and Nintendo has been instrumental in this success.

    Traditionally, when you move from one generation of videogame hardware to the next, there's a slight dip in sales. Amazingly, that doesn't seem to have happened with this generation, as GamesIndustry.biz reports: Sales of game software in the...

  • News DS Breaks UK Sales Record Again

    The Nintendo DS continues to sell like cakes that are rather hot, effortlessly breaking the UK hardware sales record for the second week running.

    All the predictions of a bumper Christmas for Nintendo in the UK seem to be proving accurate, with news that its consoles are selling in record numbers. The DS has now broken the previous UK weekly...

  • News Reggie Promises More Wiis

    A lot more units are being manufactured but will there be enough?

    At the Wii launch we all had problems obtaining the motion-sensing console which left desperate parents paying over the odds trying to get their loved ones a shiny new Wii. Unfortunately, it looks like to be more of the same towards the end of this year. In an interview with Mercury...

  • News GAME Aquires Gamestation

    Leading gaming store GAME buys its rival Gamestation and seeks to takeover the high-street gaming market in the UK.

    It was announced yesterday that GAME had bought the entire Gamestation stores for a total of £74 million. Whilst this comes as abit of a surprise, all is not lost as GAME promise to develop the brands independently. GAME - Mainstream...