Wii U News



  • Review Brunswick Pro Bowling (Wii U)

    You still have that membership for Wii Sports Club, right?

    What's the meaning of life? We all have wondered about it at least once in our lives. Whether it's on the commute, while taking a shower or when rolling a bowling ball down the lane. When you think about it, Bowling is pretty similar to life, a continuous cycle that depends on numerous...

  • Video Nintendo UK Launches Pokkén Tournament Countdown Clash Series

    Learn about fighters and predict outcomes

    Pokkén Tournament is just a few weeks away on Wii U, all set to bring its brand of Pokémon brawling into our living rooms. Nintendo will no doubt be promoting it quite heavily, and for its part Nintendo UK is launching a 'Countdown Clash' series; the idea is that videos will introduce match-ups, we all...